As a child, I didn't realize the importance of this day. I did not know anyone who had served and died. I didn't understand the sacrifices that a military family made. I didn't understand the worry and concern that parents and young wives felt as they saw their loved one go off to war. All this was simply history that I read about in my history book.
Fast forward to 9/11, a day that will live in my memory always. 9/11, a day when my country's home soil was bloodied. 9/11, a day that for the first time in my life, I felt frightened. I was out of town on 9/11 and I remember driving home the next day. The sky was clear of any jet vapor trails as all domestic flights were canceled. There was an air of uncertainty.
In the days that followed, our country rallied. Flags sprang up everywhere. American spirit was rekindled and a sense of patriotism re-emerged such as I have never known.
As soon as I got home I called my dear friend, John, who is a U S Army veteran. The first words I said to him were, "Thank You". "Thank you for serving in the armed forces. Thank you for being willing to lay you life on the line to defend this great country. Thank you for giving up seven years of your life for a cause I did not understand until that day, 9/11. Thank you for still being willing to go at a moments notice and give up all the comforts of home to fight for freedom anywhere on this planet." And then I apologized for all the crap I gave him about being 'G I Joe'. He understood and simply said, "You're welcome. It's going to be alright, Niece!" And in way, he was right.
I have seen others that I have known go off to Iraq. Most have come home but one didn't make it back. I drove his brother across the state to where their mother slept soundly until that gentle knock at the door. She knew the news without being told. One son held her as they both grieved for the other who would not return.
I sat in the gym at North Platte Community College and listened to the commanders speak to the National Guard Unit as they deployed for Iraq. These soldiers were not just a group of men. Some were sons of my friends. Others were former boyfriends of my daughters. I watched as the families stood firm and staunch and strong for their loved ones. If they had fears, they didn't show it. It was I who shed a tear.
And now in October of this year I will watch another young man go off to the Marines. In the past year that he has dated my youngest daughter, I have come to know and love him. I will try to stand firm and staunch and strong for Tristan. I will watch with fierce pride and save my tears of parting for later when I am alone. I will keep him and all who serve in my daily prayers and I will stand tall and proudly salute our flag when it passes.
To all who serve, to all who have served, and to all who gave their lives for this great country, Thank You and God Bless You.

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